Am I training right for the limited time I have?

The Brook

Well-Known Member
This whole year, I've tried to go on training rides of about 45 min to an hour (about all the time I have for this).

I'm 62, and if I use the Maximum safe heart rate of 220 - age of 62, its 158 BPM.

When I go out training, after warming up for 5 minutes, I'll ride at 125 BPM, increasing it to to 145 BPM for 2 minutes, then back off to get my heart rate back to 125, then repeat the cycle.

After 45 minutes, I'll back off in a cool down cycle for 5 minutes, then do some stretching.

Is this a proper use of my time?

220-age is a good indicator of max HR but you can increase it above this with training (or you could be below and that's ok).
Fuctional Threshhold HR Max (FTHRM) is the HR you can sustain for 60 minutes, this gives a better indicator of your maxHR.
Interval training is certainly a fine training regime, I can't comment on your current intervals as it's not my current way of training.
I have limited time also these days, just be aware of specificity of training. Training for 1 hour will make you able to ride 1 hour well, unfortunately it doesn't transfer well to riding longer.
I have had to give up on or shorten my involvement in event rides of 100+km as I am not able to train that distance. However any time on the bike especially time spent in higher training zones is worth it