World Traveling Cruzbikers Cross Paths

August 10, 2009/ Jim Parker

Last week, Two world travelers on Cruzbikes, from world’s apart, met in El Remolino Colombia. Valdo had traveled through Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolívia, Peru, and Ecuador before arriving in Colômbia. David left Minnesota and traveled across the USA, Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama before arriving in Colômbia.

Valdo and David meet in Colombia, South America on August 3rd, 2009

I have been following their respective blogs with interest for months. These guys are an inspiration. Valdo writes in Portugese, and I copy and paste his text into a translator to help me follow what he is doing. It’s worth the effort.

Read more about the meeting here




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