Legacy (Standard) Road Bike Cyclists: We are Coming for You
And that’s a good thing, because you may not realize it now, but you will be a lot happier and safer on a Cruzbike. Depending on the Cruzbike model you choose, you may also be a lot faster.
Cruzbike Co-Founder, Jim Parker, MD, shares a message to Legacy (Traditional Frame) Road Cyclists. |
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But first, a little Cruzbike history... when Cruzbike began designing and selling bicycles in 2006, we faced a lot of resistance from inside the recumbent industry. People were skeptical of a front-wheel-drive bicycle, when virtually all other production bikes were rear-wheel drive, including all the major brands of recumbent bicycles. But Cruzbike had the secret-sauce... a patented drive system unlike anything on the market that allowed our bikes to go faster and climb better than any other recumbent. Fast-forward 16 years and the dust has settled on the recumbent wars; Cruzbike won. Cruzbike’s domination of the two-wheel recumbent market began in earnest in 2013, when Maria Parker won the Race Across America riding a Cruzbike Vendetta. Then in 2020, Cruzbike won the “Battle of the Brands” at Bike Sebring, a popular race in Florida that draws recumbent racers from all over the world. Since Cruzbike arrived on the scene, many major manufacturers of two-wheel recumbent bicycles have either closed, sold their assets to a dealer, or down-sized, making only a handful of bikes per year. Cruzbike is going strong, with sales records year-after-year.
Cruzbike’s fanatical fans won the two-wheel recumbent market niche by using their bikes to set records, win races, and just have more fun than everyone else. Our bikes aren’t just fast, but also practical, easy to carry, and easy to work on because they use the same stock components as standard bikes, including a short drive chain.
Now that Cruzbike has won the recumbent bicycle niche, we are moving on to the larger battleground, the road bike market. Again, we are facing tough resistance. You’ve heard the term legacy – defined as denoting or relating to software or hardware that has been superseded but is difficult to replace because of its wide use. Cruzbike has superseded the traditional road bike in every important measure, the public just hasn’t realized it yet... nor has USA Cycling or the UCI, but in time, they will.
Something this good can’t stay hidden under a basket. Who would not prefer to ride a bike that was more comfortable, faster, and a lot less likely to break their neck? Let’s take a closer look at why a Cruzbike is better than your legacy road bike. You’ll want to be able to recite these reasons to your friends when they hear that you’ve gone over “to the dark side” of cycling.
Safety and Health
- A Cruzbike/rider has a lower Center-of-Gravity than a road bike/rider. Therefore you are much less likely to flip forward onto your head, neck, or shoulder. How many cyclists do you know who have broken their collar bones?
- On a Cruzbike, your feet lead the way, not your head. It’s much better to run into something with your feet than your head. Unfortunately, many people are seriously injured each year on road bikes simply by running into parked cars and other stationary objects.
- On a Cruzbike, you are always facing forward, with a great view of your environment. Road bike riders are often facing down at the pavement in order to go fast in the aero-tuck position... or they are craning their necks, which can be very painful and cause muscle fatigue (and eventually Shermer’s neck) .
- On a Cruzbike, your weight is distributed across the huge surface area of a wide seat and backrest, rather than a tiny saddle, narrow handlebar, and pedals. This eliminates pain points in the pelvis, wrists, and shoulders.
- Let’s talk briefly about ED (and for the ladies, genital numbness). It’s scientifically proven to happen commonly on road bikes. All that pressure on the perineum where the pudendal nerve runs through a shallow groove. Some people have fortunate anatomy that protects the nerve. Many people don’t and are at risk. Enough said.
- You will be more aerodynamic on a Cruzbike V20c than you will be on any road bike, even an excruciatingly uncomfortable $15,000 TT bike. It’s all about your frontal surface area and drag coefficient. This translates to more speed from less power. Period.
- Everybody knows that recumbents can’t climb hills. Don’t believe everybody. Cruzbike’s unique patented drive system allows the upper body to assist when climbing a hill, very much like what happens on a legacy road bike when you get out of the saddle and lean the frame side-to-side. No other recumbent can do this. Learn to master the Cruzbike and then climb hills fearlessly.
There you go. If you want more ammunition to calm your cycling companions when they object to your new bike, check out our records page, read our blogs, and meet our customers on our forum or through social media. Not only will you be glad you made the switch, you’ll wish you did it sooner. There are thousands of us who have already switched. Come join our community. Whether you want to race, chase KOMs on Strava, take long cycling adventures, or just ride around town, Cruzbike has a road bike for you. Take a look at our bicycles here and reach out with any questions.
Hi Jim Conklin,
The Q series of Cruzbikes are great bikes. Maybe you have not adjusted to yours because you have only ridden it 3 times around the block. It also sounds like you were riding your other recumbents while making a short attempt to learn the Cruzbike. I have found that it’s much easier to learn to ride a Cruzbike if you focus just on that task. Don’t go back to your RWD bents until you are very comfortable on the Cruzbike. I learned to love my first Cruzbike after about 20 times around the block over a two week period. If your balance and strength are in the normal range (which they must be if you are riding other bikes) then there is no reason you can’t get very comfortable on your Quest 2.0.
As I read your blog again, I am wondering if maby you could offer some solutions.
I bought a Quest2.0 several years back now and it has been around the block 3 times. Literally 3 times cause I couldn’t figure out the weigh shifting on corners.
At first i though i could learn to ride it.
I’ve tryed enough to realize that it is not a well-designed recumbent.
Iam sure the newer models (HOPEFULLY) have overcome the front end heaveness that makes it a real problem to ride.
I’ve been riding bikes a long time and i own 3 recumbents.
Seeing your new Vendetta makes me envious to go fast and be comfortable.
I’ve already stuck $2400 into a cruzbike sight unseen(didnt pre-ride it) and Iam not trying it again.
Sure, hope Iam the only one to have had this issue.
thanks, Jim
I really like CruzBikes. However, your front end “design” has been around for a long time. I was beat in a 1-hour time trial at a HPV race in 1995 by a guy on a cruzbike style fwd but with 20” wheels. I have seen many similar designs in the 1990s. I began building this style of fwd in 2000, but my ex wife threw it away before I could complete it. I thought I was revolutionary for using a700c wheel up front. You obviously perfected fwd but did not invent it. Stay humble and grateful. I am glad for your success. Happy riding!
the UCI rules that froze the DF frame need fixing.
The upright bike is such an ingrained archetype in our consciousness it will take a maverick celebrity cyclist making the switch to allow the rest of us permission to follow. I’ve been riding recumbents for over 30 years and I think I’ve made exactly one convert. Good luck, yours is a great bike.
Yes, Kim, your brother, John Tolhurst, is a brilliant designer and there would not be a Cruzbike without him.
Yup, and who has bettered from its original creator ,developer and patent holder ? My little brother . Kudos John. The Parker’s bet on its future and l can tell you the best Cruzbike hasn’t been built yet !
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