We always enjoy the comfort and efficiency of our Cruzbike recumbent bicycles, but riding with a group of Cruzbike friends for an entire week from the north west side of Georgia to its south east coast through beautiful small towns,...
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What could be more fun than a supported multi-day bicycle tour with awesome riding, entertainment and food on great roads in a beautiful place? Doing it with a whole bunch of Cruzbike owners. We are signing up for Big BRAG...
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What is the best recumbent road bike for long fast rides with lots of hill climbing? Larry Oslund put the new Cruzbike S40 to the test over hundreds of miles and thousands of feet of climbing and descending on Skyline...
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From the very first Cruzbike recumbent road bike kit back in 2005, we've noticed that these bicycles are great at climbing hills and mountains. Fifteen years and thousands of bikes later, Cruzbike owners have confirmed time and again that they...
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2020 was a tough year for cyclists, particularly those like me who thrive on the social aspect of riding. Club rides? Cancelled. Charity rides? cancelled. Week-long tour rides? Cancelled. Cruzbike Ride Retreat? Cancelled. Nooooooooo! For people who ride solo all...
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