A new look for spring

May 29, 2009/ Jim Parker

Spring in North Carolina brings out lots of fresh green things and colorful flowers. Just as Mother Nature is putting on a fresh look, our website is undergoing a transformation that will make it easier to navigate, find information, and stay in touch with your Cruzbike community. Maria and I are lucky to live in a semi-rural area where we can ride from the city to farm-country in about 5 minutes. This time of the year it’s spectacular to ride in the country. The corn has already reached knee level in some fields, and soon it will be well over our heads. You can almost hear a dull roar as it’s sprouting from the earth… or wait- that might be my Kevlar-belted Continentals gliding across the pavment at 20+ mph. Browse our site, ask a question on the forum, and get Cruzing!

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