Proper fit on a Cruzbike will greatly enhance your riding experience, optimizing both comfort and performance. We've put together tips for Cruzbike fit and adjustment here that will help you get started. Reach out to anytime if you have questions along the way. We also have a great blog post here with a very helpful fitment chart.
Begin with a great initial fit by following the guidelines below.
Then fine tune your fit as you ride. You'll find your preferences change as you get more and more comfortable on the bike.

Pedal reach
When your leg is fully extended (but not hyper-extended), your heels should sit flat on the pedals. Start with 1 to 2 inches of clearance between your thigh and the handlebar at the top of your pedal stroke.
Tip: Have a friend stabilize the bike so you can place both feet up on the pedals to mimic a true riding position.

Cockpit clearance
When possible, giving yourself space between your chest and handlebar to sit up, makes learning to ride much more comfortable on the Q45, S40 and V20. Sitting up in the seat helps with balance, riding at slow speeds and when cornering.

Arm height
Arm height is important to getting the most performance and comfort out of your Cruzbike. Your upper arms should be close to lining up with your torso. If you find you need to raise or lower the handle bar on the V20, S40 or Q45, you can order a Curved Slider or you can have your mechanic trim the fork steer tube a bit to lower the bars.

Arm bend
In general, your arm should have a good natural bend at the elbow. Arm position will be different on each model and rider-to-rider, and dependent to some degree on pedal reach and cockpit clearance fitting. Ideally you will be able to see clearly over the handlebars.
If you are a smaller rider, riding the T50, you can lower the handlebar along the riser tube until it is right for you. Mark its position and have a bike mechanic cut the steerer tube at the proper length.
Headrest position
Set your S40 or V20 headrest to a position that feels great to you. Be sure to wear your helmet during adjustments so you get it just right. The Suspension Adjustable Headrest and Performance Adjustable Headrest offer even more adjustment, if you find you need it.
Tip: Sometimes adding a bit of extra foam to the headrest is all you need. We've included extra foam for you in the box, just in case. As with all other fit adjustments, a little at a time is key.
Seat angle
The T50 and Q45 have adjustable seat back angles. Set your Q45 or T50 seat back to a position that feels comfortable to you as you settle into the seat of the bike. You can adjust it later as you get more and more comfortable on your Cruzbike.
Tip: Changing the seat angle impacts reach to the pedals and handlebars, so you may need to make adjustments to those if you change your seat angle.

Seat comfort
Cruzbike seats are designed to support your body in comfort while leaving your shoulders and arms free to engage your core. Each person’s back and seat are different. Most owners find the Cruzbike seat incredibly comfortable and supportive. For those who don't, adding or taking away foam can give the additional support or room where you need it. The stock cushion cover comes off easily for addition or deletion of foam.
Fine tuning fit can take time. But soon you will be dialed in for the ultimate ride.
Here are three rules to follow while you fine tune your fit: 1. Make small adjustments. 2. Make only one or two adjustments at a time. 3. Ride a good 5 to 10 miles to really get a feel for the adjustment.
Fit questions?
We’re here to help get you dialed in! Send us an email at You can also check out our Fit and Adjustment videos on YouTube. Also, check out the fitment chart found here to see if you fall in the Green Zone.