FAQs are here, but we also love to talk with you by phone (888-225-2789) or email ( support@cruzbike.com). Sometimes we’re not immediately available by phone, but if you leave a message, we will return your call.
Is it right for me?
This is a great question! With more than a decade of experience and thousands of owners, we've learned who really thrives on a Cruzbike.
Cruzbike is for you if you: Have the fitness, balance and coordination to ride a traditional bike. Want to enjoy riding a long way without pain. Want to climb fast on a recumbent bike. Have a healed spinal fusion. Experience neck or back pain while cycling. Experience saddle pain or numbness while cycling. Have prostate issues exacerbated by cycling. Experience wrist pain while cycling. Experience hand or finger numbness or pain while cycling. Experience saddle sores on long rides. Experience neck fatigue while cycling. Experience shoulder pain while cycling. Don't mind (or better yet enjoy) the challenge of learning something new.
Cruzbike is not for you if you: Have balance issues. Are unable to ride a two-wheeled bike. Are unable to lift your leg over a traditional bike. You really don't like learning new things.
Contact us if: You are very big or very tall so we can direct you to the best Cruzbike for you. You have doubts about your ability to learn to ride a Cruzbike.
RESOURCES: Cycling Health and Safety
Will I be able to learn to ride?
Absolutely! If you find yourself in the "Cruzbike is right for you" description above, you will learn it (and love it). There’s a learning curve, but it’s not difficult. Most people pick it up quickly and then get very comfortable over time. We joke that bonding with a Cruzbike is like falling in love - the discovery and learning, the building trust and unfolding adventure of joy-driven cycling really is a romance.
RESOURCES: Learn to Ride, Learning to Ride: It's Like Falling in Love
Is it comfortable?
Yes! Riding a Cruzbike is incredibly comfortable. Our bicycles have been designed to relieve the very common wrist, neck, back, shoulder and saddle pain often associated with riding traditional road bikes, without sacrificing performance.
RESOURCES: About Cruzbike, Cycling Health and Safety
Will I be seen in traffic?
Yes! The Cruzbike places the rider eye-to-eye with car drivers, maximizing visibility. Ours are not the low recumbent bicycles or tricycles you may have seen on your local bike path. We use standard 26" and 700c wheels and our design positions the rider at a comfortable, safe and very visible height. Cruzbike's design offers other significant safety advantages over traditional road bikes when sharing the road with motorists. Learn more on our Cycling Health and Safety page.
RESOURCES: Cycling Health and Safety
Will this relieve the wrist/back/neck/saddle pain or numbness I experience when I ride a traditional road bike?
Yes! Cycling is an outstanding low-impact form of exercise with proven cardiovascular benefits (not to mention the how fun it is to fly down an open road). Unfortunately, many, many people give up bicycle riding because of annoying aches and pains in the neck, shoulders, wrists, back, and saddle. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine found that 85% of recreational riders had some form of musculoskeletal pain. 49% reported neck pain and 30% reported back pain.
Cruzbikes have allowed many people with back, neck, shoulder, or other problems to renew their love of bicycling.
RESOURCES: Cycling Health and Safety, Cruzbike Rider Stories
Do Cruzbikes really climb fast?
Yes! We like this question because we get to talk about Cruzbike’s patented Dynamic Boom Front Wheel Drive system and brag on Cruzbike owners who consistently prove the platform in rides and races. This design not only frees us from the long, inefficient chains and special parts fixed-boom recumbents require, it links the upper and lower body across the drivetrain as it rotates around the axis of the head tube. This linkage allows Cruzbike riders to increase power when climbing or sprinting by engaging the upper body in much the same way professional cyclists do when they climb or sprint on traditional road bikes.
RESOURCES: Design and Performance
Will I be faster riding a Cruzbike than I am riding my traditional road bike?
Based on our own experience and reports from hundreds of Cruzbike riders, the answer is a resounding yes. Cruzbike owners tell us all the time that they ride not only more comfortably, but faster, than they did on their previous bikes. For the real speed fiends among us, we even guarantee that whatever road bike you ride, you will be faster on a V20.
RESOURCES: Design and Performance, Cruzbike V20 Fastest Road Bike Guarantee
Talk to me about fit. Will Cruzbike fit me?
Cruzbike's unique design makes it possible for one frame size to work for cyclists between about 5 feet, 2 inches and 6 feet, seven inches and our frames like most adult bicycle frames are rated for riders up to 250 lbs.
The key measurement for fit is x-seam. We walk through fit and adjustment on our Cruzbike Fit page. If you are on the outside of the fit range for the Cruzbike you are considering, reach out. We are often able to work with customers to fit even those on the outside of our standard fit ranges.
RESOURCES: Cruzbike Fit
Which Cruzbike is right for me?
Let’s talk about your lifestyle! Our bikes are made for running errands around town, for weekend warriors, commuters, tourers, randonneurs, record-setters and those who just want to take back the joy of cycling. Our core models are below - pick the one that fits your bicycle lifestyle best or give us a call and we’ll talk you through each model.
T50: The ultimate cruiser. The T50 was fully funded on Kickstarter in less than 48 hours, which speaks to the versatility, fun and comfort of this bicycle. If you're looking for an around town cruiser, this is a great option.
Q45: Our adventure touring bike. The Cruzbike Q45 is revolutionizing adventure cycling. It is built to take you and your gear wherever you want to go, as far as you want to ride. .
S40: Our performance endurance road bike. Take on any distance road event. Stack long days. Eat more bugs. The Cruzbike S40 endurance recumbent road bike is designed for the cyclist who wants to ride farther and train longer.
V20c: Whatever road bike you ride now, you will be faster on a Cruzbike V20c. Guaranteed. Climb mountains, carve corners and test your limits on the Vendetta V20c performance recumbent road bike.
Where can I try a Cruzbike?
Test rides actually don't work well. That's why we have our 100 Mile Trial program. If you are interested in talking to real Cruzbike owners before taking the leap, head on over to our Owner Map page.
RESOURCES: Cruzbike Owner Map, Cruzbike Dealers, Learn to Ride a Cruzbike
Do you ship to my country?
Yes! We ship worldwide. If you're interested in learning the total cost including shipping and duties for delivery to your country, put the bike and accessories you are interested in your shopping cart and enter your shipping address. Your total will be calculated there, but you won't be charged until you add payment information and complete your order.
When will my order ship?
We ship all orders within two business days unless otherwise noted. If any unusual circumstances may affect when your order will ship, we will communicate that to you right away.