Last suffer-o-rama

October 1, 2009/ Maria Parker

Yesterday morning I did my last Spinerval, Suffer-o-rama work-out before the record attemp. Spinervals are DVD bike work-outs that you do on your bike trainer in front of your TV. I have a Cruzbike Sofrider on a Cyclops Fluid 2 trainer in our bonus room. Since I had a fall doing some speed intervals outside, I have been doing the tougher interval workouts inside. Mostly I have been using the Suffer-o-rama DVD. It is a workout that takes about 45 minutes with lots of anaerobic intervals. I am glad to say goodbye to this aspect of my training. My son William says that the name of DVD proves that bike riders are masochistic.

Jim and I have been doing a lot of preparation for the record attempt. We had the course certified on Saturday. Tomorrow morning I will go out to the course and do a 60 mile dry run starting at 6:30 am – the same time we will start the event on Saturday, October 10th. It will be dark at that time here, but we decided it would be better to start in the dark and finish while its still light. I’m getting very nervous – I really want to show what a terrific bike the Silvio is.

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