Long rides and nutrition
October 9, 2009/ Maria Parker
I have been doing longer and longer daily rides and did a 200 mile ride last weekend in preparation for the October 10th record attempt. I find the long rides really challenging. The last 200 mile ride took 11 hours and as an extravert, I find spending 11 hours alone on a bike near maddening. This last ride was made better by an mp3 radio and music player that Jim bought me. I rocked out for all 11 hours. My biggest challenge has been eating and drinking the right food and the right amounts. I’d been just eating power bars and drinking water, but am switching over to Hammer products, particularly Perpetuem for the longer rides. Anyone have any ideas? I notice when I am low blood sugar I get very discouraged and irritable. As soon as I take in some calories are start to feel more optimistic and happier again.
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