October 23, 2009/ Maria Parker
I started tapering for the October 10th event this week. I am enjoying the extra time in the mornings already. I may have started carbo loading too early though. I actually ate an icecream cone tonight while watching The Biggest Loser.
I have been doing some riding on my fully decked out Silvio. We changed the handlebars, put Sram rival components on, put wheel covers on and did some other tweaking. It feels pretty fast. I really like how the Sram Rival brifters work. With the wheel covers, it was a little scary when a truck would pass me (we have large trucks in this area that carry pigs to slaughter) from either direction, but I am getting better at anticipating the pressure wave. I really hope it’s not windy on October 10th, but it’s been windy every day here for the last two weeks -so that’s unlikely.
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